
Abraham John

Founder and Visionary

Abraham John has been graced with an apostolic and governmental calling to restore God’s original order and design. Passionate to see the body of Christ united and the true church/Ekklesia manifest on earth, Abraham’s unique anointing helps people recognize their individual calling and gifts and then release them to fulfill their God-given purpose.

Abraham is the founder of Maximum Impact Ministries (The Kingdom Network) in addition to The Kingdom University and The Ekklesia—the training and equipping wings of the ministry responsible for instructing believers from more than 30 different countries.
An internationally known author, speaker, and peace ambassador of the UN, he is called to preach the gospel of the kingdom in every nation and to equip the body of Christ to administer God’s kingdom on earth to disciple their nations. Abraham has been to more than fifty countries, ministering in churches and conferences, and has authored more than twenty-six books on the subject of the kingdom of God.

Welcome to The Kingdom University. Here we Empower each individual to discover their God-given purpose, and Equip each one to find their unique calling, Identify their natural and spiritual gifts, and then Release them to manifest God’s Kingdom on Earth.

Each of us are sent to Earth by God to fulfill a specific assignment. The majority live and die, without ever knowing or fulfilling what they were sent here to do. There are three most important days in your life: The first most important day, is the day you were naturally born, your birthday. The second most important day, is the day you were spiritually born, the day you were born into the Kingdom of God. The third most important day, is the day you discover why you were born, your Kingdom assignment.

It is not an accident that God brought you to The Kingdom University. He wants you to discover the reason of your existence, get trained and equipped, and then release you to fulfill it. He wants you to live a fulfilled life. Not just barely surviving and waiting to escape this Planet.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, if you seek His Kingdom and Righteousness, then all the things (your basic needs) will be added to you. How does that practically work in this day and age? Jesus called people who were occupied with various jobs and businesses, and trained them for three years how to live in His Kingdom. Then He released them to go and fulfill their assignment. Ever since, life on Earth has never been the same. We are still reaping the harvest of what they did and wrote.

We believe if you give three years of your life to seek God’s Kingdom FIRST, and to find your specific assignment in it, God will truly do something significant in your life; and you won’t be disappointed. We are hearing testimonies of people from all over the world how their lives have been impacted and changed by one of these courses. Many are released into their Kingdom assignment.

We don’t teach a formula that fits and works for everyone. Each one is different, and so God works in your life in different ways. We are all in different seasons of our lives. That is why we need training that is unique to our calling. In His Kingdom, one size won’t fit everyone. We encourage each individual to hear the voice of their Father, by being a son or daughter in His Kingdom.

Each course is designed to address a specific need in your life. Each of these represent one of the components of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the solution to any problem you, or this Earth has. The Earth and our world are in the shape that they are in today, because most believers are not fulfilling their purpose. They are taken captive by another Kingdom, and are being used to build the Kingdom of darkness. This must stop.

May the Lord use this platform to bring millions of believers from around the globe to the awareness of His Kingdom and their specific assignment in it. Let us join our hearts and hands together, to make our Father and His Kingdom look the most glorious one on the Earth.

Thank you.

Kingdom Education

Your life is not an accident. Did you know that you existed prior to being born on the Earth, and that you will continue to exist after you leave this Planet?

God saw in eternity something needed to be accomplished for His Kingdom; so He created, called, chose, and sent you at an appointed time. Thus you were born to particular parents, in a specific country.

But something happened to you when you arrived here, as nobody told you about your purpose and your true identity. You were not raised to fulfill your purpose. Instead you were raised up with a survival mentality. You were told by religion that you were created to sing some kumbayas on a Sunday morning for twenty minutes.

You were kidnapped by the world’s system; forcing you to spend the first 18-20 years of your life learning how to survive in a place called school. The majority of the things you learnt in school, are not useful to you today, as an adult.

Then they decided and told you who is smart or who is stupid, based on how well you performed in that education system. Right now, who you are, what you have, and what you do are the result of the programming done by the culture you grew up in, the religious stream you were part of, and the education you received. But that is not who you really are.

You are meant to be much more than that. You are capable of living a life in a much higher dimension than what they told you could. You have the capacity to produce and manifest on Earth what is in Heaven or as it is in Heaven. You are much smarter than what they told you, because you are created in the image and likeness of God Almighty.

If you need to create this new kind of life, you need to receive a different kind of education. I call it the Kingdom Education. Before you receive and benefit from Kingdom Education, first, you need to unlearn everything this world, your culture, and religion has taught you. The Bible calls this process repentance or renewing of your mind.

The current education system under which you were brought up, was put in place, not to help people; but to brain-wash and program you to become a slave to a system for the rest of your life. Actually, the education system that is out there was introduced by the rulers of this world to enslave you.

It is a trap that is set up to catch an individual who is created in the likeness and image of God, and who has been sent here to build God’s Kingdom. The Babylonian system conditions you to be a copy while you are yet young, and thereby causes you to serve the system for a small salary or a paycheck every month.

The goal of the current education system is to train a person to get a job in Babylon; and then introduce them to a system that runs on debt that allows them to buy houses, cars, and other gadgets they can’t afford; causing them to spend the rest of their lives paying for it all.

Consider the time you spend doing a job to make some money, and then the majority, or all of that money goes to paying for these material things. How sad is it that you spend your precious life paying for some pieces of wood and stubble?
The good news is you were Born Again. You were Born Again into a Kingdom. A kingdom is a country, nation, or a territory that is ruled by a king. This Born Again experience was given to you, that you may receive a glimpse of what God originally had in mind for you.

That is why Jesus said in John 3:3 when you are Born Again, you are supposed to see the Kingdom of God. Again, religion came in, and taught that you were Born Again in order to disappear from this Planet.

In the country where you were naturally born, you spent at least twelve years acquiring your basic education. You were being trained to survive in the Babylonian system. When you are Born Again into God’s Kingdom, you need to be trained to fulfill your God-given purpose. That is why you need Kingdom Education.

Kingdom Education is not starting Christian schools, colleges, or even home schooling your children either. Kingdom Education is to train individuals to discover their God-given purpose and their true identity as sons of God.
When you are Born Again, the first thing you need to do is to seek God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness, as Jesus told you to do in Matthew 6:33.

Five Goals of Kingdom Education

  1. Help a person discover their purpose, identity, calling, and gifts.
  2. Self-discovery.
  3. Managing and maximizing the resources (natural and spiritual) God gave them—Stewardship.
  4. Self-governance—by restoring their relationship with God as their Father, and to be led by His Spirit.
  5. The ultimate goal of Kingdom Education is to establish God’s Kingdom and Will on the Earth.

We are blessed to announce the launch of such a Kingdom Education platform, called The Kingdom University, where anyone from anywhere, of any age, can join and learn about their God-given purpose. This is a dream come true for all of us. This is one of a kind.

A special thanks to all our partners and friends who have invested into this through their prayer and financial support. This is only a small beginning, as we are starting with the basic courses. which will continue to grow and expand as the Lord blesses us.

Let us pray that future generations will benefit from this, and they will rise up and take back what the enemy stole from us, and build back what has been demolished, and to heal that which is made crooked. Thank you.

Meet our team

Dr. David Banks

Kingdom Schools Director of Operations

Dr. David Banks has a PhD in Psychology. He is the Pastor Overseer of The Empowerment Embassy in Chattanooga TN. He is the President of Noble Success Strategic Group and the Founder of Impacting Nations Org. He is the Director of Operation for The Kingdom University. Mentored by Dr. Myles Munroe. He is a Kingdom Strategist to manifest God’s Mandate in the earth realm. He is a Peace Ambassador through Word of Life Christian Fellowship.

Dr. Banks has expertise in Relationships, Leadership Development, Motivation, Kingdom Strategies and Purpose Discovery. Dr. Banks has worked in the field of personal growth and professional development for over twenty years.

He has conducted Leadership trainings nationally and internationally-India, Canada, Philippines, Pakistan, Mexico, Africa, Netherlands, Belgium, Australia and Trinidad & Tobago.

Petro Brits


Petro has worked for many years at the Tshwane University of Technology, Faculty of Science, Centre for Tissue Engineering in the administration and financial niche. She had served as a member on various meetings in a senior managerial role. She was responsible for various monthly reports, ISO9001 compliance, supervision, and monitoring of the day-to-day administration tasks.

She obtained a Diploma at the University of South Africa (UNISA) in Financial Management.

In her free time, she had served under the mantel of Haima Christou Ministries and AM Ministries, assisting both in counseling and training sessions.

Throughout her career and ministry work, Petro has developed excellent government leadership as well as good people skills.

She loves her Lord God, Jesus, and is enthusiastic about her calling.

Anzél Spiller

Curriculum Developer and Quality Control

Anzél Spiller is enthusiastic about writing. The Lord prophesied over her life that she would write for the remainder of her days. She is eager to create curricula and content specifically for God’s kingdom. Her responsibilities at the University of the Kingdom include overseeing quality management processes, creating interactive study guides, and designing curriculum to improve training and development.

She also authored the book Just a Broken Vessel to encourage women to re-evaluate themselves and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ. She has more than 20 years of experience in the training and education field and a number of Certificates in course material development and design. In 2005, she also earned a Bachelor of Human Resource Management from Unisa.

Carl W Roodnick

Content Manager and Editor

Carl is an independent Learning & Development consultant, trading as Carl Roodnick Associates – CRASSOCS.

He specializes in Instructional Learning Design and Training Course Materials Development; Information Mapping; Proofreading and Editing. He possesses a Postgraduate degree in HDip Journalism; BA; BTh III.

Much of his spare time is spent researching and writing several books concurrently.



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Jessica Wyderko

Web Developer and Webmaster

Jessica is a seasoned professional in the realms of web design, development, and graphic design. With a wealth of experience, she specializes in WordPress, HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript, alongside proficiency in graphic design, brand development, and digital media creation. Beyond her technical prowess, Jessica extends her skills to offer consulting and technical support to small businesses, bringing a holistic approach to her work.

Her academic foundation includes a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Denver, with a minor in Business. Additionally, Jessica is certified in Photoshop.

Currently calling Colorado, USA, home, Jessica shares her space with her husband and two furry “kids”– Mooch, a Rat Terrier, and Tigger, a Boxer/Plott Hound mix. Beyond her professional pursuits, she finds passion in her relationship with God, enjoys the thrill of playing volleyball, and unwinds as an avid gamer.



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