Discovering the Lost Kingdom
We strongly recommend that all students start with this course before diving into others, as it serves as a fantastic introduction and foundation for the Gospel of the Kingdom.
We strongly recommend that all students start with this course before diving into others, as it serves as a fantastic introduction and foundation for the Gospel of the Kingdom.
We strongly recommend that all students start with this course before diving into others, as it serves as a fantastic introduction to The Kingdom University.
Welcome to The Kingdom University. Here we Empower each individual to discover their God-given purpose, and Equip each one to find their unique calling, Identify their natural and spiritual gifts, and then Release them to manifest God’s Kingdom on Earth.
Welcome to The Kingdom University. Here we Empower each individual to discover their God-given purpose, and Equip each one to find their unique calling, Identify their natural and spiritual gifts, and then Release them to manifest God’s Kingdom on Earth.
Welcome to The Kingdom University. Here we Empower each individual to discover their God-given purpose, and Equip each one to find their unique calling, Identify their natural and spiritual gifts, and then Release them to manifest God’s Kingdom on Earth.
This course has enlightened me on so many things about the scriptures and the kingdom of God. His kingdom is already in us It is for us to discover it and live freely on this earth.
This course (Discovering the Lost Kingdom) was sent from Heaven. It transformed me and something happened inside of me, in my spirit. It opened up my mind and my eyes to see what I never saw before. I am telling everyone about this course and that they will be transformed by the Holy Spirit.
I thank the LORD for this University, for you and the entire team. Unspoken and spoken questions are answered by the end of each lesson, guided by the Spirit of God as He helps us to see and unlearn the deception and teaches us Kingdom way of life.
This word is so rich, revolutionizing and life changing.
I have received clarity in my assignment and realize how God is removing the lies from my life that blinded me from seeing the Kingdom.
Thank you for setting a platform for people like us who are seeking the Kingdom of God for direction and instruction on how we should live here on earth.
Thank you again for inspiring us to turn our focus to the King of all kings. When we receive the understanding of God’s Kingdom, nothing can ever be the same again.
The most effective way for me to appreciate you is to obey this mandate and multiply by running Kingdom Schools. This resonate with me deeply.
This course is mind shifting and shifts you to a Kingdom Mindset.
O wow! How blessed are we by this course. I was blind but now I see. I will never be the same again. This is a life changing journey.
These courses have been used by God to renew my mind.
The Kingdom University courses have helped me to understand and open my eyes to my Kingdom identity, purpose and assignment in God’s Kingdom.
The Kingdom University has given me an in-depth understanding of who God is and His purpose for my life. I can’t thank you enough.
The Kingdom University became God’s own voice to lead me back to my Father, His Kingdom, and the assignment I have in His Kingdom. Now I am joyfully fulfilling my assignment. So much appreciate you.
I went through so many conferences, teachings, courses, counseling, deliverance, inner healing etc. Everything was needed but the Kingdom University courses had the biggest impact in my life. I will be grateful forever.
The Kingdom University courses helped me in discovering God’s purpose for my life and the importance of Kingdom Governance. As a result I got double promotion with 127% salary hike in my job and increase in my business.
Teaching on “Purpose, Calling and Gifts” opened my eyes in a new way to see the importance of God’s Calling on our lives.